What Is Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Contracts?

Mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer contracts require consumers to agree to accept the ruling of a third party rather than taking a case to court if there is an issue with a product or service. It's an alternative approach to resolving a dispute, and an unbiased third party listens to those involved and makes a binding decision about the issue. Arbitration is popular because it saves time when compared to lawsuits.

Benefits of Choosing Arbitration Over a Legal Case

Some of arbitration's benefits include:

Disadvantages of Arbitration

When agreeing to a mandatory arbitration clause, it's important to know what you may be giving up. Some disadvantages of arbitration are:

These clauses asking consumers and employees to agree to arbitration have been growing in popularity with companies for the past few years.

Agreeing to Arbitration Without Realizing It

Mandatory arbitration clauses have become a common addition to user contracts for online companies recently. Sometimes consumers aren't even aware of agreeing to these clauses, especially with online companies, because the mandatory arbitration clauses are often hidden in fine print or have to be quickly accepted via a popup screen when initiating a website's service. Some other places these clauses turn up include agreements signed at the doctor's office, bank documents, and employment agreements that must be signed in order to work for a business.

Consumer Response to Mandatory Arbitration Clauses

While courts have supported the rights of companies to put mandatory arbitration clauses in contracts, consumers have started pushing back against some one-sided mandatory arbitration clauses. For example, Starbucks gift card buyers pushed the company to take out the forced arbitration clause printed on gift cards. General Mills also received flack from customers over a mandatory arbitration clause that squeezed the rights of customers who entered their online sweepstakes or downloaded coupons from their website. As recently as May 2018, the Supreme Court decided companies can add arbitration clauses that block employees from suing employers over employment issues.

Concerns Over Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Contracts

A number of concerns exist over the issue of forced arbitration clauses in consumer contracts, such as:

If you need help with a mandatory arbitration clause in a consumer contract, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.