To sow in gardening simply means to plant a seed by either scattering it over the soil or by placing it inside a small hole or mound in the soil and then covering it.
We gardeners like to think we're in charge of this process, but some plants can also self-sow. That just means a mature plant drops seeds as it's completing its life cycle, and then new plants pop up from those dropped seeds the next year. (Yay, free plants!)
Sowing your own seeds instead of buying plants from the nursery comes with several advantages: you can choose from a near-infinite number of plant varieties instead of the one or two types the store offers, you can work on your own timeline, and you can save a lot of money if you plan to grow a large quantity of a certain type of plant. Just one package with hundreds of seeds inside tends to cost about the same as a single plant start (or a baby plant) you'd buy from the store.
When gardeners are in charge of sowing seeds, we have two different options for how and where we place those seeds so that they will ideally germinate (or sprout) and grow into healthy plants for our garden. The first option is to place the seeds in the exact spot in the garden we'd like them to spend their entire lifecycle—this is to direct sow.
The second option is to start the seeds indoors in seed starting trays or soil blocks and then allow the plant to grow into a seedling while nice and safe inside. Once the plants are ready to be moved and the weather outside is ideal, the seedlings are then transplanted to the garden space. This is indirect sowing.
I do a combination of direct sowing and transplanting for my garden, as do many gardeners. The best method will depend on the specific type of plants you're growing and your situation (your climate, your garden setup, your gardening experience, your available time, etc.).
Let's look at each method a bit more.
Direct seeding is exactly what it sounds like. You take seeds and put them directly in the soil—do not pass go and do not collect $200. You pop those seeds right in the ground where you want them to grow and expose them to the elements immediately.
Direct sowing is the way to go for any plant that you want to grow dozens and dozens of, which makes it my favorite way to plant seeds for my salad greens. I fill entire raised beds with lettuce seed, for instance. It would take a commercial-level setup in my house to start that many lettuce seeds indoors, and then I would spend entire days transplanting that many lettuce plants to my garden space. It's much better to scatter lettuce seeds over the soil and then ensure they stay moist for the next couple of days while they sprout.
Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of direct seeding.
This method is very simple. Planting seeds right in your garden space requires much less time and effort and even fewer supplies than starting seeds indoors and transplanting them. Typically, you just plant the seeds and then keep them well-watered until they germinate. You don't have to worry about using heat mats and moving things outside at just the right moment. You get to let nature do all the work for you! If you're just getting started in the garden or if you like to keep things simple, I highly recommend direct seeding.
Some plants also just don't like being moved. (More on that later.) Plants that should be direct sown have a pretty short lifespan, and if you try to move them, they can end up bolting prematurely, which means those plants will finish up their time in your garden much sooner than if you had started them directly in that spot.
Even plants that can handle being transplanted might slow their growth for a bit after the big move. I often find that plants started outdoors after my final frost date will catch up in growth to those I started indoors 4 or even 6 weeks earlier and moved outdoors.
You have very little say over what happens to your seedlings if you start them in the great outdoors. You'll want to sow them in great nutrient-rich soil to give them the best start possible, but you obviously can't control the weather. One good rain can wash all your carefully planted little seeds away. Follow the tips below to protect your newly sown crops.
Direct seeding requires much less time and effort than seed starting indoors, but there are still things you should do to increase your chances of filling your garden with lots of robust plants. Here are nine tips for direct sowing.
Before you decide to direct seed a plant, make sure that you'll be growing it in the optimal season. Learn the predicted last frost date for your town or city by checking here or by searching “[your city’s name] last frost date". If the seed packet tells you a plant won't survive frost or that the seeds need warmer soil to germinate, wait until all danger of frost has passed to sow your seeds outdoors. It's important to pay attention to the upcoming temperatures so you can make sure that you're growing the right plant for the right season.
While you're checking your weather forecast for your high and low temps, look to see if you're expecting any extreme weather (not just frost, but also storms, wind, etc.) coming up. Sunny skies and mild temps are worth the wait. Have some garden covers (frost cloth for cold and shade cloth for heat) ready to go to protect your little seedlings as needed.
Have your bed set up and ready to go so that you can sow seeds when you have good weather. First, clear the space of old plants to make plenty of room to add new ones. When direct seeding, it's important that your planting area isn't receiving too much shade from other plants that have been in the garden or that are being planted simultaneously.
Second, weed the planting area. Weeds (AKA plants you don't want) can compete with the plants you do want for water and other resources.
Then, amend the soil. I like to add a 2- to 3-inch layer of fresh compost to the top of the soil before I add anything new to the garden. Use a small rake and your hand to level the planting area. You don't want your seeds to start sliding down little slopes when it rains.
Lastly, pre-moisten the planting area with some water. Now you're ready to direct sow vegetables.
Read the directions on the seed package for the recommended planting depth. Generally speaking, the larger the seed, the deeper you'll plant it. Tiny seeds like lettuce seeds don't need to be covered much at all; they only need good soil contact, which can be achieved by gently pressing them into the soil and then sprinkling a dusting of compost over them.
One of the biggest challenges when you direct seed is not over-planting, especially when you're working with really tiny seeds like lettuce seeds. If you end up with too many seedlings in one place, you'll have to come back and thin them or risk less-than-optimal growth. I'll recommend some tools below to help you space out your seeds when direct seeding.
Wait to cover your seeds with soil until you're done planting. That way, you can make sure you've filled all the holes you've made and don't double- or even triple-plant.
Place plant tags where you've sown seeds. I always think I'll remember where I planted something, but the number of times I've sown multiple seeds in the same area suggests otherwise.
This chic garden label features an extra-long, narrow nameplate designed for attractive vertical or diagonal writing. This unique label is ideal for flower gardens, herb gardens, and vegetable gardens.
Keep the soil where you've sown seeds consistently moist while you're waiting on those seeds to germinate. Water is what tells the seeds to wake up and burst open. Make sure though to water carefully to avoid washing your seedlings away. Mimic gentle rainfall.
It's also a great idea to cover seedlings with garden mesh immediately after planting to protect them from strong wind and pests. Many bugs are drawn to seedlings—to them, the younger the better.
If you notice two or more seedlings popping up very close to each other, you'll need to do something called thinning in order to ensure your seedlings have all the space and resources they need to grow big and strong. Pick the less-robust-looking seedling and use a pair of scissors to cut it at the base (this method avoids disturbing the roots of the nearby seedling).
Taking these simple steps will help your seedlings feel supported by you, instead of left to fend for themselves. In most cases, you won't need to do so much pampering once your plants are more established in your garden.
The smaller the seed, the harder that seed is to space out in your garden. I find thinning to be a pain, so I avoid having to come back and pull some seedlings later by taking the time as I direct sow to space out seeds properly. A stitch in time saves nine, right?
(Head's up: Some of these are Amazon affiliate links, which means I earn a small profit if you click on the link and purchase the product.)
These tools can help with spacing and dispersing seeds:
Indirect seeding means you start seeds indoors early (before it would be the optimal time to sow that seed outdoors) and transplant them outside only once the weather is right. Many gardeners love starting seeds indoors because it allows them to get a jump start on the growing season. You know what that means?
That's right. Earlier harvests.
That being said, indirect seeding can be challenging. You're basically trying to recreate nature inside. I'll give you some tips to get started, but if at first you don't succeed, you know what to do, right? Try, try again.
Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of indirect seeding.
Some plant families take a long time to mature and need to be started indoors before the threat of frost or the scorching heat has passed. These plants include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, collards, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and cabbage. Basically, unless you have a really long season that would give these plants their optimal growing conditions for the full time it takes them to go from seed to harvest, it's best to start them inside.
If you choose to start your own plants by seed indoors, you can have a lot of control over their growing conditions and ensure they receive the best quality of care—all without having to worry about storms or bugs. Oftentimes, transplants can better resist pest pressure when they are moved out to the garden space because they're older and stronger than if they were little sprouts just poking up from the soil.
If done correctly, indirect seeding allows you to grow a lot of healthy plants that are ready to move out the garden, all for the cost of a few seed packages (and the initial investment for some seed starting supplies, of course).
Seed starting indoors and then successfully transplanting seedlings outdoors is what I consider an advanced gardener's skill, one that requires certain supplies and involves going to a lot of trouble over a 6- to 8-week period to keep those baby plants happy.
Even if you buy a plant from your local nursery or garden center that's ready to go, you have to take steps to avoid what's called transplant shock when you move it out to your garden space. No matter how careful you are when transplanting vegetables you've started indoors or bought from a store, the plants are likely to slow their growth for a while until they adjust to their new home.
Instead of letting Mother Nature do all the work to grow these seeds, you have to pretend you are Mother Nature. That means you have to think about sunlight, air flow, temperature, and soil. You have to make your seeds believe they're outdoors in the garden, waking up at just the right time to grow.
Here are a few tips to get you started.
It's critical to properly prepare your seed starting mix before you sow any seeds by adding water and hydrating it thoroughly. The ideal consistency is a mixture that holds together without dripping too much when you scoop up a handful and squeeze it between your fingers.
Take your hydrated seed starting mix and fill each cell of your plug tray to the very top. Gently press down the mix in each cell to level it and to avoid any huge air pockets or slopes that could cause your seedling to be disturbed.
What you don't want to do anytime you're starting seeds indoors is water from the top, as doing so can disturb your little seedlings and keep the seed starting mix too moist. Water from the bottom by pouring water in the non-draining tray and allowing the mix to absorb water slowly.
Thinning seed trays is as much of a pain as thinning outdoors, so try to place just one or two seeds per cell. This is especially true for newer and good-quality seeds that should have high germination rates. Use a dibber or a chopstick to put a little indention in the center of each cell to place your seed inside.
Remember, don't cover up your seeds with seed starting mix until you've planted every cell.
Timing is another component of seed starting indoors that makes this more of an advanced gardening skill. Seedlings started indoors will grow slower than ones planted out in the garden, so you need to give them enough time indoors to become mature enough to be moved without being harmed.
The back of my seed packet for cabbage, for instance, says, "Start indoors six to eight weeks before your last frost date, transplanting two to four weeks before your average frost date." So basically, they're asking you to grow cabbage under lights for about four weeks.
For more indoor seed starting tips, check out our Seed Starting course inside of Gardenary 365. We've got video lessons to walk you step by step through selecting the right supplies for your needs, planting out your seeds in the trays, and helping them grow. We'll also help you troubleshoot common seed starting issues.
Unlike direct seeding, this method requires a bit of a setup so that you can imitate nature indoors. You'll need the following tools: