Eviction notice for sussex county nj


Meet Robert.

Imagine living alone in the winter without heat and being sick. That was the case for Robert, a 76-year-old widower. Robert had just been released from the hospital this winter after a 3 week stay. He returned home to find that his oil tank was empty, and he had no heat in his home. Robert had recently seen a flyer from Family Promise of Sussex County that talked about utility and heating assistance through a program called LIHEAP. Robert made one call to the FPSC office and was very happy he did. Within hours, he had an oil delivery, and his heat was working again. FPSC staff also assisted him in completing the LIHEAP application to prevent this from ever happening again.


Meet Anna.

Anna’s homelessness was ushered in by the pandemic. Anna, a single mother, lost her job at the onset of the pandemic and had to relocate closer to her family up North because she was no longer able to make the rent or pay the bills. Living with her family members became burdensome and all involved because of overcrowding and other issues. Before coming to Family Promise, Anna was staying at a local shelter for 6 months. Although grateful for having a roof over her head, she and her child had trouble adjusting to these living arrangements. Her young child, especially, felt the impact of not having a place to call home. Anna stated Family Promise of Sussex County helped her tremendously in finding an apartment, and through case management, Anna learned critical life skills such as budgeting and managing finances. Anna wanted to stress the importance of these skills as they can make a world of difference when trouble strikes. She is currently housed, happy, and hopeful.


Meet Jane.

After twenty-seven healthy years she got evicted from her home. Jane’s beloved husband passed away from a tumor. The tragic turn of events took Jane by surprise. Feeling depressed and confused, Jane struggled to make ends meet. All alone, she had to learn to relive life without the comforts of her past and the assurance of a better tomorrow. She eventually was referred to Family Promise of Sussex County where she was finally able to locate the help she so desperately needed. Our Housing Specialist, who stood by her side all the way to the doorstep of her new home, won the praise and adulation of Jane. Family Promise of Sussex County assisted Jane with a security deposit and first month’s rent. Today, she is safe and housed, but continues to feel lonely. Family Promise of Sussex County recognizes the unintended consequences of rearranging one’s living situation and assures Jane, and many others, that we hear you and that we are working on addressing ways to connect clients with the community for an improved quality of life.

Mr. L

Meet Mr. L.

Mr. L was street homeless for over four years. With the help of Family Promise of Sussex County, Mr. L attended case management sessions working hard to obtain medical coverage, income, and housing. Mr. L is now off the streets and living in an apartment. He has been connected to numerous community supports in addition to the continued case management he receives from FPSC.

M Family

Meet the M Family.

The M family entered into the emergency shelter program at FPSC after losing their previous living arrangement. Dad worked hard, juggling the needs of his children, their schooling, his work, and attending case management while working to find a new home. With the help of their case worker and the Rapid Rehousing program, they have successfully stabilized their housing and their lives. The M family has settled into their new home, Dad has received a promotion at work, and they have welcomed a dog into their family.